So what is life coaching?
Coaching empowers you to develop your capabilities and set purposeful goals, while increasing your performance through learning, to enable you to move towards your goals, either in their personal life or business/career, reaching and maintaining your potential, in an easier and faster way than if you acted alone.
Coaching helps you take control of your future and set positive, relevant and empowering goals, that will improve the quality of your life. Coaching is mindset training, like physical conditioning, where you flex different muscles in order to align your internal world (thoughts, feelings, beliefs, words), with your external world (action, work, family, friends, community).
What’s involved and how does it work?
I coach my customers face-to-face and over Video call using Zoom. My customers have 2 options: they can buy a monthly coaching package which offers 65 minutes of coaching every month, or they can purchase one off coaching sessions. The majority of my customers are paying on a monthly basis and they can purchase aditional hours at a discounted price.
Does a coach sort out my life for me and what’s their role exactly?
A life coach helps you to become master of your life and destiny. They don’t tell you what to do. In fact coaching is about you uncovering your self belief, taking action and achieving your goals. Just like having a personal trainer you’re the one who shows up, puts in the effort and gets the result.
The skill of the life coach is to facilitate the process. Just like a personal trainer, a life coach has a good range of tools, skills, and insights to help you clarify and achieve your goals. A coach will help motivate, focus you and crucially help you overcome the ‘limiting belief’s that tend to stop people from achieving their goals. A coach helps put you on track and helps you stay there.
Why would I need a life coach?
It’s not a case of having a need. Just like athletes do, the value in having a coach is to help you reach your full potential. Many people achieve more than they would imagine, far faster than they ever might by themselves through partnership which gives you the space to achieve what you want in your life. Having a clear motivating vision, belief and taking action is the basis of success in all areas be it getting fit to running a successful international company. This is what coaching helps you develop.
What’s the difference between coaching and counselling?
Coaching is focused on the present and future – and on putting you in charge of your life. It’s suited to people who are ready and willing to take action to move ahead in their lives.
How can it help me?
If your looking to move ahead in your job or career, relationships, health, personal fulfilment or in any other areas of your life.
What sort of people have a life coach?
Anyone. All sorts from single parents to politicians.
What type people do you life coach, Julian?
I coach people of all backgrounds. My clients include the public, performers, entrepreneurs, teachers, other life coaches, wellbeing professionals, high achievers, politicians and young people.
What made you decide to become a life coach?
My life experience. I grew up with no parents having to constantly hustle for a better future. Due to my life experiences, I can say “I’ve been there and done that” in most cases. At the time I had to figure things out by myself, develop my own strategies to achieve things. I now help people get “there” faster as I’ve learned how. I’m also an over-achiever and have a passion for learning new things, which is why for the past 12 years I’ve gained over 50 certificates in different fields and I think coaching other people its a great way of putting the things I’ve learned to good use.
How can people contact you?
They can visit my website for more information and contact details.

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