Interviews can be nerve wrecking and anxiety provoking, that’s why we have asked Ms. Brave to show us her personal style and how she would handle common interview questions. She told us there is no reason to be nervous about job interviews, because it really only matters if the company is a good fit for you. If they say “No” you dodged a bullet and if they say “YES” you might be about to torture yourself!
Finding the right career fit can be challenging, but their is nothing to fear about job rejection because the whole process is superficial and not really personal though you need money for your hair and makeup.
1.) Tell me about yourself?
I am a human being. People call me Lion.I have feelings.I care deeply about the things I love and disdain and I have a really strong gut. My affirmations are “may my heart be kind, mind fierce, spirit brave and body armored.”
2,)Walk me through your resume.
I used to be an international teacher in China. I got really good at presenting lectures to adults, entertaining children and coaching college students. When the pandemic hit I tried to teach in South Korea, but the schools were being shut down. I was lucky enough to get to be in the entertainment scene in South Korea and got to work in the music industry and appeared in Somi’s and BeWhy music videos. Those musicians are pretty popular in South Korea, but nobody really knows them in the US.
3. ) Tell me about a time you failed.
I think people are right to say you can’t really fail, you can only learn, but if I had to think seriously about failure it would be my weakness and Barack Obama’s. If I could tell the next generation one simple thing, it would be don’t let the tobacco industry get you addicted to nicotine.
4.) What is your greatest professional achievement?
I have not reached my greatest professional achievement. I might get to star in a major action movie, you never know! It feels good to be creating my own children’s books and music and it also felt really good to teach in Thailand, China, Cambodia and South Korea.
5.) What are you passionate about?
I am passionate about people and music. I want to make good music because I want people to feel good. Not to be negative, but I think life can be pretty brutal, so I want to cheer people up with positive vibes when I can.
6.) Are you planning on having children?
I hope so! I would really love to raise my babies. It would definitely be nice to work for a company that honored the commitment I have to my family and the next generation, by supporting me in the early stages. Women need rights and one of those rights should be to take care of their newborn with paid leave.
7.) Tell me about where you would like to work?
I would like to work at a place where everyone is collaborating, brainstorming and there is a lot of synergy. I guess I want to work in Hollywood or at Disney World. I mean who wouldn’t want to work in Hollywood or at Disney World. Sorry Mcdonalds and Walmart. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. I think you are both power house companies.
8.) What’s your work style?
To listen to music and ignore my boss. I always deliver quality work though.
9.) What should I know that’s not on your resume?
I can get you a signed photo of Taylor Swift’s catS.
10.) How do you plan to achieve your career goals?
I have a time machine and a couple billionaires working on it.
BIO: Lyon Amor Brave, is an international writer, entertainer and educator who is currently residing in the USA!

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