Berki Ferenc is a Hungarian NFT-ARTIST, who was the first NFT-Comicbook Artist, who created the Space-X (Shiba Inu), The Marshmello, and Fortnite-X Comicbooks, before Shiba Inu went viral in 2021. From the Space-X printed Comicbooks 6 printed editions were created, from the Fortnite-X Comics, 4 pieces, from the Marshmello, 2 pieces. The Estimated Price of the Space-X(Shiba Inu)Comicbooks are 70.000 dollars of a piece. The Estimated Price of the Fortnite and Marshmello Comicbooks are about 43.000 dollars. The Comicbooks have an outstanding rarity,because Mr.Berki Ferenc a validated inventor and artist, (Articles:, LinkedIn), The 6 existing printed edition of The Shiba Comics are not ruled, their value cannot be stopped, The first piece were sold for 2 Bitcoins, The Second were sold by an Auction-Institute for an unknown price. The Comicbook built from: 1 Cover Page, 1 Inner-cover, 4 Internal Pages, 1 inner-back page and 1 Back Cover.
Berki Ferenc is a Hungarian NFT-ARTIST, Marketing Specialist, Multilingual Translator. He has skills in International Law,International Politics, Investment Fundamentals, and Sustainable Development. He speaks English,Germanian,French,Swedish,Norwegian,Danish and has the following educations: -International Law -International Politics -Investment Fundamentals -Sustainable Developments -Economist -Marketing Specialist -Ancient Philosophy He has excellent skills in Sci-Fi writing,Stand-Up Comedy, Horror-Tales. He was the first NFT-Comicbook Artist, who created the Space-X (Shiba Inu), The Marshmello, and Fortnite-X Comicbooks, before Shiba Inu went viral. From the Space-X printed Comicbooks 7 printed editions were created, from the Fortnite-X 4 pieces, from the Marshmello 2 pieces. The Estimated Price of the Space-X(Shiba Inu)Comicbooks are 70.000 dollars of a piece. The Estimated Price of the Fortnite and Marshmello Comicbooks are about 43.000 dollars. He is the Co-Author and Publisher of the Gravitational-Based Energy Storage System Invention,which can provide us the greatest alternative of energy storing. In 2021 Berki Ferenc created the first NFT-Comicbooks: Space-X Comics(Shiba Inu Comicbook), Fortnite-X Comics. The Shiba Inu Comicbook weren’t viral because he didn’t wanted to publicate it,although the 6 printed edition of the comicbooks can worth 7,6 million Dollars because of its rarity.
Family Life
Berki Ferenc was born in Hungary,Miskolc in 14 December 1985 (age 36). His father was a Welder, his mother was a Shop-Assistant. He had been through a lot of family issues,because of his parents, and moved away when he was 18. In High School he wasn’t a good stundent, only in Foreign languages, Marketing Studies, and Economic Studies. Even though he has a photographic memory,was only interested in financial studies and foreing languages. After Graduation in High-School with an average of 2.4, he started to work in an assemble factory in 2005 with a monthly income of 230 USD. During these period he met the mother of his son, Nicolas, who unfortunately died in 2021 with cancer issues. After he decided to create a charity organisation, which supports families with cancer issues. He works for a Germanian Company as an Interpreter and HR-Specialist,he donates his income for charity activities.
Although he didn’t sell till this day any of the NFT-Comicbooks, he’s looking for a Customer who can create a much higher value of them. He has a wife, called Kriszta,who’s a hairdresser in Hungary, they’re fighting against Climate-Change and for Sustainable Development. With the owner and creator of the Gravitational-Based Energy Storage System ( Mr.Szikra Kálmán), they would like to save our Planet and every human beings in this World.
BOOK PUBLISHED: Shiba Inu NFT Comicbook
Social Media Profile

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