Andy Horner known as Anxious Andy who lives in the United Kingdom has made it easier for people to access mental health services by providing a website that is unique to others.
Andy created his website with no funding from anyone else whatsoever and just has a passion for helping others who have been in his position, struggling with very little support due to cut backs and funding.
In an interview Andy said “Having a mental illness is exhausting, therefore I wanted to make the website as stress free as possible, with easy access to services and an understanding with simple icons that you can click on to get the help and support that you may need. The services for people who battle with their mental health are in high demand and it’s getting out of control. The amount of suicides in the uk on a daily basis is rising, I see a story in the newspaper every day about someone taking their own life and it’s simply unacceptable, I believe many of these related deaths are avoidable if these people had earlier intervention and care from a (CPN) Community Psychiatric Nurse. A psychiatric nurse can do regular home visits and monitor a person’s mental health and if necessary assign the person to a psychiatrist or another mental health professional to discuss other options and care plans. Mental Health Services are severely underfunded in the uk. People need the help before they reach crisis. I have battled with my mental health since childhood and been on and off with services most of my life and I have never known it this bad, especially amongst the younger generation. I believe that Peer pressure and social media has played a big part in the rise of younger people experiencing mental health difficulties. The government needs to revaluate the whole mental health system. Better up to date hospitals, and a big drive and incentive for nurses wanting to join such a challenging job role. Mental Health illnesses are complex, I believe that simply understanding, reassurance and support goes a long way in helping someone to recover and to want to live a near normal life, I believe we are lacking all three of those things.
Andy who has a long history suffering from Anxiety and Depression decided to create a website where you can access a variety of support if needed, or simply want a distraction with various relaxation and coping techniques, the Anxious Andy website can help you take back control of your life. There are a variety of different pages including:
– Relaxation techniques
– Breathing exercises
– Cognitive behavioral therapy
– Distraction games
– Contact numbers
Mental health problems can disrupt our lives, many people are facing many problems today with the cost of living and life in general has become harder. Society is more aware of these issues now than it was when Andy was growing up, but there’s still a long way to go.That’s why influencers and campaigners like Andy are passionate about helping people to understand their anxiety-related struggles and to help them to stop feeling ashamed. Judging by his social media following of over one million followers across platforms, the message is clearly resonating.
You can download Andy’s website to your phone so you always have a connection for support or distractions. Simply visit the App Store or Google Play today.

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