Modern life has greatly altered people’s lifestyles, both in the area of food habits and of daily activities.
In today’s day and age, the external environment is built according to a purely functionalist view, which does not look much at aesthetics and, therefore, makes people cold and detached.
This is why it is necessary to introduce a method with the aim of improving people’s well-being. This is possible by spreading the Mediterranean Lifestyle, which pays special attention to physical, social, and environmental well-being (Diolintzi A, Panagiotakos DB, Sidossis LS. From Mediterranean diet to Mediterranean lifestyle: a narrative review. Public Health Nutr. 2019 Oct;22(14):2703-2713. doi: 10.1017/S1368980019000612. Epub 2019 Jun 3. PMID: 31156076.).
Specifically, the three pillars on which Mediterranean Lifestyle is based are:
1_ The adoption of a Mediterranean-diet, low-calorie, predominantly plant-based diet, which is characterized by a very modest addition of blue fish and non-farmed meat, and by large amounts of olive polyphenols. It has been proven by many scientific studies that this type of diet provides a wide range of health benefits;
2_ The environment, characterized by the classical architectural model of perfect proportions. Said proportions are encapsulated in the greatest discovery of the Hellenic architects, namely the mathematical formula of the golden ratio. It has been seen that all proportions falling within the golden ratio are perceived by the human eye as pleasant and welcoming. Therefore, by building an external environment based on the principles of proportion and perfection, classical architects were able to offer people the best possible relationship between the inner and outer worlds and, as a result, bring well-being to the community (Hershey MS, Martínez-González MÁ, Álvarez-Álvarez I, Martínez Hernández JA, Ruiz-Canela M. The Mediterranean diet and physical activity: better together than apart for the prevention of premature mortality. Br J Nutr. 2021 Aug 31:1-12. doi: 10.1017/S0007114521002877. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34462020.);
3_ The great role played by spirituality. Even contemporary neuroscientists recognize sociality and the sense of the divine, as well as a respect for shared norms, as great strengths for a person.
It turns out that there is a strong association between spirituality and physical and mental health and quality of life: in fact, most studies have shown that spirituality are usually associated with better health outcomes (including increased longevity), which subsequently brings a better quality of life and less anxiety and depression (Mueller PS, Plevak DJ, Rummans TA. Religious involvement, spirituality, and medicine: implications for clinical practice. Mayo Clin Proc. 2001 Dec;76(12):1225-35. doi: 10.4065/76.12.1225. PMID: 11761504.).
That said, the Mediterranean style can be taken as a model for improving people’s overall well-being.
Based on this set of factors, the spin-off MAGISNAT ( decided to promote two supplements based on olive polyphenols, more specifically Hydroxytyrosol: Garlive Oral Spray ( and GARLIVE Recovery (, which are the pillars of wellness.
Its researchers stated that it is of course important to eat properly, which can be achieved by following the Mediterranean diet, and that it is important to use supplements based on natural molecules to improve one’s health.
In conclusion, it is possible to adopt a Mediterranean lifestyle and to combine it with natural supplementation, in order to improve the well-being of persons—which is, in fact, the primary goal of MAGISNAT.

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