Love has always been one of the greatest inspirations for music but the most important love.Is love for yourself is another matter entirely. It’s why re-finding love is the focus for Linda Washington’s music and her new single Forever featuring superstar lamar, Following a former collaboration in her song Love Again. The R&B artist successfully blends sultry sound with an upbeat rhythm to deliver a message that she has had to learn all too well following a battle with breast cancer and reentering the dating scene; how to love yourself and find the love you deserve, in addition to being a recording artist Linda washington is a mother of four children she has been working in the healthfield for over 20 years. She is also a published author of the book called ( forbidden and broken finding love behind the scars) and a entrepreneur. Linda washington is determine to help other woman like herself realize that they deserve to be loved for who they not what they went through. And to show woman to never let anyone make them feel forgotten, overlooked, rejected, broken,exaushusted , scared. That you have to love yourself before you could love someone else.
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