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“The Dance of Leadership: Liz LeGrande’s Journey from Stage to Corporate Wellness”


In the realm where corporate strategy and personal wellness intersect, Liz LeGrande emerges as a transformative force. A former professional dancer who has graced stages from the Atlanta Ballet to performing alongside icons like Beyoncé and Usher, Liz’s journey is a masterclass in the art of resilience and adaptability. Today, as the visionary founder of Tuned MVMNT, Liz is redefining the paradigms of success and leadership in the corporate world while profoundly impacting private clients with her holistic wellness expertise.

Liz’s multifaceted career spans collaborations with notable entities like Honey Pot Co, City Springs Theater Company (pre-professional program), PLG Insurance Agency, and Dame Dash Studios, showcasing her ability to bring her unique wellness approach to diverse professional environments. Her fluency in the corporate language, coupled with her deep understanding of personal wellness, makes her a sought-after figure for both businesses and individual clients seeking transformative change.

In this exclusive interview, we delve into Liz’s compelling journey from the world of professional dance to the boardrooms and living rooms of those seeking holistic wellness and leadership transformation. She shares invaluable insights on how mastering breathwork and somatic practices can unlock exceptional leadership qualities and personal growth. Liz’s story is a testimony to the symbiotic relationship between personal healing and professional excellence, exemplifying how understanding and nurturing our inner selves can lead to extraordinary achievements in both corporate and personal realms.

Join us as we explore Liz LeGrande’s narrative, a rich tapestry of artistry, empathy, and empowerment, revealing the keys to holistic success in both the boardroom and beyond.

Interviewer: Liz, could you elaborate on how your journey into breathwork and somatic practices has shaped your approach to helping professionals?

Liz LeGrande: Diving into breathwork and somatic practices was like unlocking a secret code in understanding professional excellence. I realized that the key to enhanced performance and leadership wasn’t just about intellectual prowess, but deeply rooted in our nervous system health. Imagine a high-stakes negotiation where one’s clarity and calm can be the difference between a deal and a no-deal. I’ve guided executives from a state of stress-induced reaction to poised, clear-headed decision-makers. This evolution goes beyond improving individual leadership; it reshapes the entire workplace culture, boosting team morale and driving business success.

Interviewer: How does personal healing influence professional performance and leadership?

Liz LeGrande: Personal healing reshapes professional performance and leadership in profound ways. Consider this: a leader embroiled in personal trauma is often like a ship navigating through a storm, reacting to waves of stress and uncertainty. However, as they embark on a journey of personal healing, it’s akin to the skies clearing and the waters calming. This transformation allows them to lead with a steadiness and vision that was previously clouded by their internal turmoil.

Healed leaders operate from a place of self-awareness and emotional balance, which is contagious in the best way possible. They create an atmosphere where team members feel seen and heard, where psychological safety becomes the norm. This nurturing environment is fertile ground for creativity, productivity, and collective growth. In essence, personal healing in leadership doesn’t just change the individual; it revolutionizes the entire workplace dynamic, paving the way for a culture of understanding, innovation, and shared success.

Interviewer: What’s the role of trauma in shaping professional behavior and decision-making?

Liz LeGrande: The influence of trauma in the professional sphere is both subtle and significant. It acts like an undercurrent, unseen yet powerful, affecting behavior and decisions in ways we might not immediately recognize. Trauma can lead professionals to build walls instead of bridges, reacting to present situations with past fears and insecurities. This often results in a leadership style marked by rigidity, impulsiveness, or overcaution, which can stifle a team’s potential and innovation.

When trauma is acknowledged and addressed, however, it’s like turning on a light in a dark room. Leaders begin to understand the roots of their actions and reactions, allowing them to shift from a place of past pain to present awareness. This shift can transform the entire workplace ethos. A leader who might have once been quick to criticize might now pause to understand, creating a work environment where empathy drives performance, and where trust and collaboration are the foundations of success. The journey from trauma to trauma-informed leadership is not just about individual healing; it’s about creating a workspace where everyone thrives.

Interviewer: Can you provide practical advice for integrating these practices into a busy professional routine?

Liz LeGrande: Integrating these practices into a hectic professional life can be as simple as pausing for a moment of mindful breathing between meetings or incorporating a short session of gentle somatic exercises during lunch. It’s like infusing moments of calm in the chaos of a workday. These small practices can significantly amplify one’s focus, creativity, and interpersonal skills, turning everyday tasks into opportunities for mindfulness and growth. If you’re truly serious about making this shift, I recommend booking a 1+1 session with me to discuss how we can create a customized experience for you. 

Interviewer: How do you address skepticism from business professionals regarding these practices?

Liz LeGrande: To the skeptics, I invite them to explore the compelling body of scientific evidence. Stress’s impact on cognitive functions is not just a theory; it’s a well-documented fact. By embracing practices like breathwork and somatic movement, professionals can step into a realm of heightened cognitive abilities, where enhanced decision-making and creativity become their new norm. 

Interviewer: Could you share an impactful transformation you’ve facilitated in a business leader?

Liz LeGrande: One of my most memorable transformations was with a tech CEO plagued by anxiety and hasty decision-making. Through our work, he learned to navigate his anxiety, not as a hindrance but as a guide. The change was remarkable – strategic decisions replaced impulsive reactions, and his rapport with his team deepened. The company’s trajectory shifted, marked by heightened innovation and revenue growth. It was a vivid illustration of how personal wellness can directly fuel business prosperity.

Interviewer: What future trends do you foresee at the intersection of personal wellness and business success?

Liz LeGrande: The landscape of business is evolving rapidly, and a key trend at this juncture is the integration of trauma-informed wellness coaching into the corporate ethos. We’re entering an era where emotional intelligence and mental wellness are not just valued, but essential components of business success. This shift acknowledges that the health of a company is intrinsically tied to the well-being of its people.

In the near future, I foresee businesses not just working with, but actively seeking out trauma-informed wellness coaches as regular collaborators. These coaches will play a pivotal role in shaping the culture of organizations. They will work closely with leaders and teams to create environments where understanding, empathy, and personal growth are as crucial as financial objectives.

This integration will unfold in various forms: from wellness workshops and coaching sessions being a regular feature in corporate calendars to trauma-informed practices being a part of leadership training programs. The objective is clear – to foster workplaces where employees are not only skilled but also emotionally resilient and psychologically healthy. 

This shift is more than a trend; it’s a movement towards redefining what it means to be successful in business. It’s about creating spaces where people can bring their whole selves to work, leading to not just healthier individuals, but also more innovative, adaptive, and ultimately, successful businesses.

Interviewer: What is the most rewarding aspect of bringing these practices to the business world?

Liz LeGrande: The most rewarding part of introducing these practices into the business world is deeply personal to me. Having experienced the cutthroat nature of the entertainment industry, where backstabbing and trauma were often part of the daily grind, and then witnessing my partner endure similar hardships in the corporate sector, I realized something had to change. These environments, while brimming with opportunity and success, can also be rife with emotional turmoil and pain.

My mission to bring about real, heartfelt change in these settings is fueled by these experiences. It’s incredibly fulfilling to see the transformation that occurs when individuals and leaders begin to embrace practices of mindfulness and empathy. It’s not just about improving metrics or KPIs; it’s about healing and strengthening the very fabric of the organization from the inside out.

Seeing a leader who once might have perpetuated a toxic culture, consciously shift to become a beacon of support and understanding, and witnessing how this shift positively affects everyone around them, is profoundly moving. This change goes beyond mere professional development – it’s about creating a healthier, more compassionate world of work. This, to me, is a personal victory and the true essence of my mission.

Interviewer: Liz, for those who are inspired by your story and interested in exploring how they can benefit from Tuned MVMNT, what are the ways they can connect with you?

Liz LeGrande: I warmly welcome anyone who’s ready to embark on this transformative journey. The best way to connect and learn more about our unique approach to wellness and personal growth is through our website, [www.tunedmvmnt.com](http://www.tunedmvmnt.com). There, you’ll find detailed information about the essence of Tuned MVMNT and how we integrate movement and breathwork into a holistic practice for both individuals and businesses.

For those looking to engage directly with us for one-on-one coaching or to discuss how we can tailor our services for your business needs, you can reach out to us at hello@tunedmvmnt.com. Our personalized coaching is an intimate and powerful experience, designed to meet you where you are and guide you towards achieving a balanced nervous system and vibrant life.

At Tuned MVMNT, we are more than just a wellness brand; we are a movement dedicated to creating meaningful change. Whether it’s through our personalized coaching or by integrating our practices into your business environment, our goal is to support you in your journey towards greater self-awareness, resilience, and genuine connection. Join us, and together, let’s explore the profound impact that mindful movement can have on your life and work.

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