Tech style was actually my first rhyme wrote and uploaded to rap fame app (@hambmc) and it got me a rooking feature spot and like 1000k clicks in 1 week. This song is a combination of technology rhymes, I speak a lot of acronyms from computer networking in the beginning, and expand into topics of where I’m from,.my musical influences, and also where I’m trying to take my listeners with the music. There were a couple of different remixes to the song, the one I like the most I can’t release at the moment because of beat copyright issues is titled “Tech Style where I’m from RMX” which I did over Jay Zs “where I’m from”. So I put the lyrics over a Meraki beat ( ) and it came out smooth. I know it’s a 7 minute rhyme/song but again it’s my first song and I was tired of the “trash” I was finding on Rap Fame and wanted to impress with lyricism and NO PROFANITY. Yeah I curse but not in the record for little kids to play over and over again to regurgitate the same mess that gets them into mess (Mess_age…I grew up). Anyways, that’s about it, peep tech style and my other rhymes at

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