New York-based Prestige Brands, led by CEO Moniladae Coley, is leading the efforts on a vast humanitarian crisis in Gambia and Madagascar. Due to the world economic status with rising inflation that has hurt many countries with limited resources, smaller economies have been decimated. Philanthropic Donations were up 4.7 percent in the first three quarters of 2022. Still, according to new data from the Fundraising Effectiveness Project, the number of individual donors contributing was down 7.1 percent compared with 2021, which researches fundraising effectiveness.
These countries have a huge need for food resources and necessities like water and medicine. Some citizens of these countries haven’t eaten or drunk water for weeks. Prestige Brands is working with several international organizations, Banks, Fortune 500 companies, Religious Organizations, Philanthropists, and Sports Organizations to help with this emergency.
Right now, most world citizens are suffering economically. So philanthropic donations have been tough to obtain due to the pandemic, rising oil and gas prices, and international tensions worldwide—the need for Humanitarian Projects in the United States and other countries has increased tremendously. Donations lose value during inflation and must be increased to keep pace with inflation. Rising costs will more likely be an issue for larger charities that require more significant numbers of donors, making them more vulnerable to depreciation in the value of donations.
Poverty has been rising historically, and families are slipping into desperate times. Most people are working two or three jobs to maintain the traditional style of living. The cost of food, groceries, and gas utilities has risen rapidly, and most people are suffering from health and mental problems due to being overworked. Divorce, depression, suicide, and drug use are at an all-time high. While the poverty rate for the population is 11.6%, the rate varies significantly by race. Blacks have the highest poverty rate at 19.5%, and Non-Hispanic whites have the lowest at 8.1%.
The current times are challenging to live in. However, Madagascar and Gambia are on the brink of disaster. According to the World Bank, 75% of people in Madagascar are estimated to live on less than $1.90 per day as of 2022. This number has decreased since the last official statistic in 2022 (when 77.6% lived in poverty in Madagascar). Still, this remains one of the highest poverty rates in the world.
Gambia is still one of the poorest countries in the world, with a per capita. Gambia’s poverty rate has climbed to 53.4 percent, primarily due to COVID-19, according to The Gambia Poverty and Gender Assessment 2022 report. The report states that before the COVID-19-induced crisis, the national poverty rate declined from 48.6 percent in 2015 to 45.8 percent in 2019. The economy is heavily reliant on agriculture. Also, Gambia has no significant mineral or other natural resources and has a limited agricultural base. About 75% of the population depends on crops and livestock for its livelihood.
So the basic needs are more than enough to survive Prestige Brands is leading the effort to bring serval international partners and working with the Heads Of State in several countries, also several international organizations such as the United Nations UNICEF, The Red Cross, Central Banks, and The World Bank ECT
Ms. Coley is adding resources daily. However, more partners are needed, both big and small. Prestige brands would also like to highlight that donations are not just $ but also clothes, un perishables, livestock, and putting in place sustainable farming and housing for a long-term solution. In addition to Gambia and Madagascar, Ms. Coley works similarly with Peru, Colombia, Guatemala, El Salvador, Myanmar, and India.
If you would like to partner with or assist in this humanitarian cause. Please send an email to

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