Looking at the baby nature of the Cameroon music industry you can’t ignore the struggles and hard work of artists like AsapKid (Teiseh Ngabi Raman). Since AsapKid made his debut into the Cameroonian music scene, it’s been release after release. Considering the fact that artist from Cameroon especially the English speaking side hardly earn little or nothing from their arts but you can constantly see him spending thousands of dollars on Music videos and top quality productions. You will agree that it takes a person with love for the arts to invest like that in music without an assurance of getting his or her money back.
In just three years being in the music business he has an E.P (The Rebirth) and an album titled “You Are Nothing”
We spoke to AsapKid and asked him what he thinks about the 80/20 law being preached by stakeholders in the Cameroon music industry and this is what he said “Honestly this is a very sensitive topic and I always like to not get involved in this because there are many people who are fighting to make sure this rule is implemented and it will be kind of disrespectful if I say something opposite to the views , but in my own opinion I think the 80/20 thing is not really that necessary. We are in 2023 and it doesn’t really matter if you ban foreign content on not because people will definitely search on the internet to listen to what they like. What I have to say to my fellow artist is that we should work on our craft, we should try to catch up with the sound and the rest of the world will notice us. Good music nodi hide”
Many Cameroonians think there is too much influence of foreign music and it needs to be regulated that is, play 80% Cameroonian music and 40% foreign content. Also one thing you can’t also ignore with AsapKid is that he raps and sing. He originally introduced himself as a rapper but he has songs in which he sings so effortlessly.
We asked him the reason he started singing since most rap fans don’t really like when a rapper starts to sing as they consider him or her as someone who is desperately looking for fame and this is what he had to say “First of all I am rapper but the most important this is that I am an artist too. I don’t like putting myself in a box, I want to be able to give my fans a taste of everything. That is, if you want to party, you listen to my Afrobeat songs but if you are feeling low and need therapy then you need to listen to my rap songs because I put a lot of heart into them, I don’t joke with lyrics” he said.
We also asked him what to expect from him in the nearest future and this was his answer “Expect nothing less than fire from me, honestly I am jealous of my fans, you guys are nothing ready. I know I just dropped an album but I have another project ready and waiting to be dropped. So expect nothing from me but greatness”
It’s so amazing to see young artists with the amount of passion and energy. If you are looking for some fresh music to listen to from Cameroon, I will recommend you listen to AsapKid and there is no doubt he has a long future ahead of him.
For more information.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100067386615649&mibextid=b06tZ0
Instagram: https://instagram.com/thisisasapkid?igshid=MjEwN2IyYWYwYw==
Twitter: Twitter.com/asap_kid237

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