Dmitry Borisovich Volkov is a serial entrepreneur, investor, and co-founder of the global tech company Social Discovery Group, a partner of numerous international investment funds. He is interested in philosophy, artificial intelligence, and technologies related to social discovery. Dmitry mostly lives in Italy and is a European citizen.
Dmitry Borisovich Volkov started as a serial IT entrepreneur in 1998 when he founded the IT-Online company. This company had several spin-offs, including UsabilityLab founded in 2002 and focused on improving user interface design, and the payment service PayOnline, which was sold to the American company Net Element in 2015.
In 2014, together with partners, Dmitry Borisovich Volkov established Social Discovery Group, one of the world’s largest groups of social discovery companies. Social Discovery Group unites more than 40 brands, an investment fund, and a venture studio. Social Discovery Group invests directly in social discovery technology startups and in venture capital funds.
Dmitry Borisovich Volkov acts as an independent investor, as well as an expert and facilitator of transactions for the sale of IT companies. He partners with a number of international funds, such as: Blockchain Capital, Mangrove Capital Partners, Khosla Ventures, DN Capital, 500 Startups, Dream Machine, and Target Global. Dmitry Borisovich Volkov was one of the first to invest in the music recognition app Shazam. He acted as an investor in the DN Capital fund, which, along with other funds, invested in that service. He is also an investor in Patreon & Open AI through various investment funds.
As ph.D in philosophy Dmitry Borisovich Volkov considers his investments in science quite important. One of them is a platform for scientists, where he invested $1 million in 2016. The service allows researchers to share scientific work with each other. offers scientists a platform where they can publish drafts of works or alternative articles with free access with the purpose of “accelerating world research.”
Dmitry Borisovich Volkov is a versatile person. He is a philosopher, musician, and art collector. He positions himself as a digital nomad, meaning a person who lives or travels in multiple countries, without choosing one of them as a permanent place of living. He pilots helicopters, practices heli-ski, and plays the piano.

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