To the Google Foundation and Working Groups on Analytics
Dr. Jonathan Kenigson, FRSA*
The scientific revolution of the 17th century occasioned a profound and indissoluble union among mathematics, mechanics, and the physical sciences. Within 100 years or so after Copernicus and Kepler, and after millennia of ostensible detachment, it became nigh-on impossible to conceive of science without the structure and rigor of mathematics. Modern philosophers and logicians disagree as to whether mathematics and physics can – even in principle – be disabused from their byzantine connections. After Einstein, Newton, Kelvin, and Maxwell, one would be required to resort to the most abstruse domains of philosophical discourse to cleave mathematics from physics and propose to find any intelligible remainder.
In a similar manner, contemporary data science and statistics – though allied disciplines – are not interchangeable, and knowledge of one domain does not confer automatic facility in the other (Hong et al., 2020). Statistics is comparably indispensable to data science as geometry and analysis are indispensable to the physical sciences. More generally, mathematics – though arguably not a science – efficiently facilitates the development, communication, formalization, and evaluation of scientific thought. Mathematicians and statisticians are not scientists, but rather logicians whose methods of inquiry are intuitive and (at least inwardly) artistic. Pure mathematicians ponder and agonize over hastily scrawled diagrams which are erased as thoroughly and rapidly as possible, lest anyone should be scandalized by the notion that a picture-in-itself could ever prove anything. Modern mathematics and statistics are thus predominantly anti-visual domains: These disciplines loathe the image; they persist in, and subsist upon, the ministry of the syllogism and the quantified type.
There are no illuminated manuscripts in reasonably contemporary mathematical discourse. As it is practiced by mathematicians, statistics is bounded inexorably by the expansive theories of probability and calculus. Logical metatheories, epsilons, and limitless excursions into nether-worldly abstraction conspire to render pictures alongside professional proofs as philistine and unprofessional artefacts. Mathematical statistics is a discipline in which ironclad proof for assertions is more important than the assertions themselves. This is the ponderous, austere, and monochrome road of Kolmogorov, Fomin, Pearson, and the grand scions of the discipline. Whereas the poets of human languages have robust commerce in visual metaphor and allusion, the mathematician merely exploits diagrams for their expediency, neglecting (or even resisting) the persuasive power of the visual aesthetic in-toto. It is precisely this laconic paradigm and its attendant austerities that the modern data scientist rejects – both in favor of the empirical and in ever-mindful pursuit of the practical and profitable.
Data scientists are, first and foremost, scientific artists – or, rather more properly, facilitators of machines’ artistic paideia. Unlike previous epochs, humans and machines collaborate in their common sciences, but it is the humans who teach art and the machines that produce and exegete the same. As we have discussed, statistical theory is pure mathematics, and the methods of statistics – although occasionally computational – do not rely at all upon computing for demonstration (Kim & Escobedo-Land, 2015). Data science could not be more different in its approach to images, icons, and visualizations: It unifies statistics, data analysis, numerics, computational geometry, applied computer science, and graphical design to draw actionable insights from large and complex data sets (Varshney et al., 2017). This science is, as its name suggests, a true and empirical enterprise: It encompasses the testing and rejection of hypotheses won by observation and intuition rather than pure deduction and systematic proof (Galeano & Peña, 2019). Arguments are sculpted, painted, and rendered lively by machines’ boundless capacity to find order in the chaos of petascale data.
Data science has the potential to drive rapid development in domains previously restricted by the practical difficulties posed by the visualization of massive, disordered, and chaotic datasets. Such contributions are characterized by the restoration of the primacy of the visual – as opposed to the merely logical – facets of practical-logical discourse. As disparate cases-in-point, we may briefly consider manifold forms of healthcare analytics and climate science. In healthcare, data science will facilitate improved patient care via the generation and evaluation of immersive graphical interfaces to model disease progression; likely and possible courses of treatment for complex diseases; bespoke drug design; radiological imaging analysis via automated prediction algorithms; and highly personalized medical interventions afforded by computational genetics and environmental analysis (Dunn & Bourne, 2017; Stoicescu et al., 2021; Tomy et al., 2021). In climate studies, data science will furnish profoundly interactive visualizations regarding the progression and remediation of anthropogenic climate change by organizations, governments, non-governmental organizations, and households (Majda et al., 2009; Majda et al. 2010; Mulvaney & Druschke, 2017). Similar methods will permit targeted digital education on the dangers of human-induced climate change (Chu & Yang, 2020; Duram, 2021; Mohapatra et al., 2022; Nation & Feldman, 2022; Petrescu-Mag et al., 2022).
If mathematics is the “language” of science – then statistics must be the dialect most closely suited to the science of data. Data science, however, would be unrecognizable without the rich and multifarious diagrams inaugurated by the capabilities of artificial intelligence, neural networks, pattern recognition algorithms, and massively parallel computing. Concise and compelling graphics explain – albeit to some partial degree – the extent to which data science can rapidly expand entire domains of knowledge that statistics only enriched via tortuous and plodding inquiry.
J. Kenigson
Nashville, TN, USA
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