“Where there are effective government policies intended to drive the market ahead, the production of electric vehicles grows”
According to study, China produced the most electric vehicles (EVs) globally between 2010 and 2020, accounting for around 44% of all manufactured EVs.
“We have several Independent studies which show that China and the U.S are clearly above the EU in the EV manufacturing, in those studies, Europe produced around 18% of global EV’s and that is the problem here. Also, based on the company’s previously disclosed goals and investments, Volkswagen is anticipated to produce the most electric vehicles overall by 2025, but time will tell if this will actually happen.”
The main problem in Adin’s opinion is that the European governments do not support the companies in this sector in a way would be supported in China and the United States.
“It is difficult for the European Union because you have countries like Italy, Portugal, Slovakia, Bulgaria, and Romania who seek to postpone a European Union proposal to virtually outlaw the sale of new gasoline and diesel vehicles beginning in 2035. And this is making it difficult for the European Union to have more incentives for companies that want to heavy shift their focus in the EV sector.”

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