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Home » Pageant Queen Deema Aims to be the First Beauty Queen on Mars: A Journey from  Saudi Arabia to Space 

Pageant Queen Deema Aims to be the First Beauty Queen on Mars: A Journey from  Saudi Arabia to Space 

As a young girl growing up in Saudi Arabia, Deema’s dreams were filled with the stars.  Her father, the founder of the astronomy organization in her city, sparked her deep love  for space exploration. It was through his influence that Deema developed a fascination  for the cosmos, a passion that would shape her life in the most unexpected ways.  Today, at 24, she stands as a finalist in Miss Multiverse International, with her sights set  not just on a crown, but on becoming the first beauty queen to reach Mars. 

“I grew up with my father always talking about space and astronomy. He showed me  that the universe is limitless, and from a young age, I knew I wanted to reach for the  stars—literally,” Deema recalls. Her father’s passion for space exploration planted the  seeds for a dream that goes far beyond the usual pageantry path. 

Currently studying Cybersecurity and Entrepreneurship on a prestigious scholarship at  the University of Sydney, Deema is anything but a traditional beauty queen. Alongside  her studies, she excels as a model, actor, fencer, and cheerleader, embodying the  essence of Miss Multiverse—a pageant that seeks women who can thrive in multiple  disciplines. For Deema, competing in Miss Multiverse International is not just about  showcasing beauty; it’s about breaking barriers and showing the world that women can  excel in any field, whether it’s on the runway or in space. 

“My journey with Miss Multiverse International has been about challenging stereotypes  and pushing boundaries,” Deema explains. “This competition isn’t just a pageant—it’s a  life-changing adventure that every woman should experience. The directors and  contestants have created a supportive, empowering family where we lift each other up.” 

But it’s Deema’s ambition beyond Earth’s atmosphere that truly sets her apart. Inspired  by Valentina Tereshkova, the first woman to travel to space, Deema aims to become the  first pageant queen to work with NASA as a cybersecurity expert and ultimately journey  to Mars. She hopes to use her background in technology to contribute to the next era of space exploration, showing that women can lead in STEM fields just as they do in  fashion and entertainment.

“My father always supported me in my love for space, and Miss Multiverse International  is helping me continue to pursue that dream. I want to inspire women to see that we  don’t have to choose between beauty and brains, between dreams and practicality—we  can have it all,” Deema says. @missmultiverseinternational_

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